When you retired you had several different MTABF and COBRA retirement plans to choose from.
- MTABF plans are available for life.
- COBRA plans expire after 18 months.
YOUR BENEFITs:Retirement plans are for YOU.
The MTABF plan administrator is Administrative Services Only (ASO).
- ASO bills for & accepts retirement enrollment / payment.
- ASO processes claims.
- ASO Member Portal allows members to inform ASO on any life changes, as well as keep track of your payments and claims.
Retirees have a several resources in which to keep up-to-date on the benefits that are provided to you by the MTABF.
MTABF Web Site & Blog:MTABenefitFund.org
Includes information relating to benefit changes, updates, contact information, events calendar, deadlines, etc. Read the NEWS 4 U Blog to know what is happening with the MTABF. ASO - Administrative Services Only:ASO: Our plan administrator is Administrative Services Only (ASO). ASO handles retirement enrollment & claims.
They can be reached at: 1-800-573-1238. EMAIL: The MTA Benefit Fund has created an email that will be used to communicate with retired members. MTABF will use this email to send important information and reminders. If you are interested in receiving these emails you need to send an email with the word “join” in the subject line to [email protected]. Please include your full name in the the body of the message.
Snail Mail:The MTABF sends major benefit changes via postal mail to retirees. It is the job of the retiree to make sure that the MTABF is kept abreast of any life changes that occur that effect the retiree's benefits. A CHANGE OF STATUS FORM should be used for this.